Re: [AD] x color conversion again (w/ responsiveness patch)

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On Monday 19 July 2004 18:19, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> WIP 4.1.11 works.
> I'll see if I can investigate later tonight.

I can reproduce the crash with the test program when repeatedly switching 
modes, but apparently only when the colour depth is different from the 
desktop colourdepth and never the first time a mode switch is made.
The demo program runs normally if I remove the call to gfx_mode_select(), 
so I suspect the problem is related to that.
As I said, I have no problems with WIP 4.1.11 and earlier (I checked 4.0.3 
and 4.1.3), but I get crashes with 4.1.12 and later (4.14, CVS).

I went through the changelog from 4.1.11 to 4.1.12 and the diff itself and 
couldn't really find anything that I'd expect to cause a crash.

Am I really the only one getting these crashes?


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