Re: [AD] Allegro window icon under X

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I have documented the allegro_icon symbol under X11 and briefly described 
the procedure for setting the allegro icon in the following documentation 

Comments welcome.

--- allegro/docs/src/allegro._tx	2004-07-11 11:56:22.000000000 +0200
+++ alleg_icon/docs/src/allegro._tx	2004-07-11 13:54:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -9527,6 +9527,14 @@
    things: the title is what appears in the title bar of the window, but
    usually has no other effects on the behaviour of the application.
+@@extern void *@allegro_icon;
+   This is a pointer to the Allegro X11 icon, which is in the format of 
+   standard .xpm bitmap data. It is implemented in the library as a weak
+   symbol that can be overridden by your own declaration.
+   You do not normally have to bother with this at all: you can use the
+ utility from the tools/x11 directory to convert a true 
+   colour bitmap to a C file that you only need to link with your own code
+   to set the icon.

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