Re: x color conversion [Was: Re: [AD] minor fix]

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On Thursday 08 July 2004 18:18, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> It seems that the problem goes away if I uncomment both the fade_out(1); 
> and set_gui_colors(); calls in lines 2172 and 2176 from demo.c, but not 
> I uncomment only one of them.
> I haven't investigated further yet. Just hitting enter on the black 
> starts the program normally (with ordinary colours).

Ok, I investigated a bit further and it seems the problem is related to  
the set_color() function. If I change the colour from grey to white in 
line 1037, the GUI shows up normally, but in grey rather than in white. I 
suspect it's a scaling issue between 8 bit and 6 bit RGB values. I'll take 
a closer look at the code for set_color() if I have time.


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