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I've tried three patches, two from Elias and one from Chris.
Both patches from Elias did not make visible difference (I used the grabber, clicking on the menus to make them appear, and out of them to make them go away). Still lags, though the actual delay you have to hold the mouse buttons varies.
I lied in a previous email: stock Allegro 4.1.14 needs mouse held for about a quarter of a second, sometimes more, not up to a second :) Still means that most "normal" clicks are lost though.
Chris' patch freezes grabber, it doesn't even refresh once (black screen). I haven't tried Chris' new one though, I'll try that one tonight.
To make doubly sure, I reverted my SIGALRM/SIGVTARLM patch, and it still lags.
Anyway. I'm using an old OS, old X, old libc, and old binutils. The profiling trouble I get with the threaded allegro might very well go away with an update of those things, since other people have reported that profiling works for them with the threaded allegro. So maybe it's not so big a deal, especially since it's only in X (though I understand most people always use X all the time nowadays).
I mean, if I'm the only one to have that problem...