Re: [AD] X11 unresponsiveness

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On Tue, 2004-07-13 at 00:04 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > Yeah, of course, I understand now. So the signals version inherently has
> > that problem.
> That's what I was afraid of...
> > I think, 2 would be the cleanest method. 3 is quite similiar. 1 has the
> > problem that all drawing operations would get slower. I'm strongly
> > against 4. Any maybe someone here comes up with an even better idea than
> > my 3.
> I agree that 2 would be the best method. To be clear on this, for the 
> multi-threaded version of the library, we can get away with simply 
> removing the offending line, right?
> In that case, we could fix the multi-threaded version first and retain the 
> current behavior for the sigalrm version until the improved method can be 
> implemented...?

Yes, exactly. But I already have nr. 2 (which i also thought best) half
implemented here, and works great so far :) But see my post just before
about the x color conversion patch :|

Elias Pschernig

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