Re: Re: Re: [AD] minor fix

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On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 11:58 -0500, allegrovp@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 07:29 -0500, allegrovp@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > can still see no use for it - when
> > would you want the obscured dialog
> > get the focus, and not the visible
> > one?
> When the top one is not rectangular (Allegro's idea of widgets is a
> full rectangle).
> My game has a (rectangular) map widget, and a kind of "border" with
> little bits that draw onto the map. This border can be clicked to
> scroll the map, but I can also click on the map itself to select
> items. I can't recall exactly how it works, but I had to have this
> patch to make it work correctly.
|    _|_
| A |B  |
|   |___|

A has D_WANTMOUSE set, so it will keep the focus, even when B is clicked
in the area where they overlap. But that's the opposite of what you were
saying.. you wanted the little bits (B) to be clicked. That already
happens with Allegro anyway - it loops through all dialogs any takes the
topmost one.

So, I can't apply it like that. Hardly can put in the docs: "D_WANTFOCUS
- this is a flag someone needed once, but we don't know for what" :)

Elias Pschernig

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