Re: [AD] (no subject)

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On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 12:01 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

> Hmm... no cookie :(
> eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>cvs checkout allegro_4_0_branch
> eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx password: 
> cvs server: cannot find module `allegro_4_0_branch' - ignored
> cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot expand modules
> eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>
> I also tried with the module names listed on
> cvs.html, but I can't get those either. I'll have a closer look and see 
> what I overlooked later (other stuff to take care of now).

Oops, sorry.. i thought it was just another module.. it's a branch of
course. Never really understood the difference myself :( Too bad SF
doesn't use SVN, I think they removed the difference there.

Elias Pschernig

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