Re: [AD] (no subject)

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On Friday 02 July 2004 11:53, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On Friday 02 July 2004 11:36, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > It does :) Are you subscribed to the cvs-commits list? It sends back 
> > patch actually applied to CVS, so you can check there.
> I subscribed just after applying the patch - a bit late, I admit. I 
> think about it before...
> > And I think the patch should also be applied to the 4.0.x branch - else
> > 4.0.4 won't have the fix. Just "cvs checkout allegro_4_0_branch", and 
> > the same there.
> Ah yes, I was still reading the manpage and figuring out the name of the 
> 4.0 branch to apply it there. I'll commit it in a moment or so.

Hmm... no cookie :(

eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>cvs checkout allegro_4_0_branch
eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx password: 
cvs server: cannot find module `allegro_4_0_branch' - ignored
cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot expand modules

I also tried with the module names listed on
cvs.html, but I can't get those either. I'll have a closer look and see 
what I overlooked later (other stuff to take care of now).


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