Re: [AD] Allegro's mixer, update

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On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 00:04, Chris wrote:

[ Going to reply to mixer related later ]

> > Hm, didn't read it, since I don't understand it anyway. But you really
> > have to use Allegro's coding style. Read the section in the docs
> > "Allegro hacker's guide". I agree that it uses a very weird format - but
> > all the code uses it, and there will always be someone who prefers
> > another format. Specifically, indentation is 3 chars, tab stops are 8
> > chars.
> Do we still have to follow that, as long as the code is still readable? 

Well, by changing it in the middle of a file like you did, it is no
longer readable. For a complete new file, it's acceptable I guess - but
still, I like more a consistent code style with the old formatting, than
not consistant at all.

> It's hard enough for me to read 
> Allegro's code with its indentation method, let alone write it. If you 
> really need me to, yes I can do it, but it just doesn't seem like 
> something that should be important.

No, not important, but it's just nicer if the code looks consistent.

> Though if nothing else, can't we at least make an exception for indent 
> == tab stop without 4 indents == 1 tab? The size of the tab stop 
> wouldn't matter since that's different on everyone's computer, so I 

Well, no. For everyone viewing Allegro code, tab-size must be 8 spaces
currently. Any other width makes it unreadable.

> could tab and see 4 spaces, you could see the tab at 8 spaces, and 
> someone else would see it as 3, depending on how they want it.

Yes, as I said, I agree. Tabsize should be indentation size, since there
are no more editors with fixed 8-space tabs around. Some things like
comments or aligned things will still look out of place with the wrong
tab-size of course. And I wonder if everyone would agree to re-tabbing
all of the allegro source with 3-space-tabs - given it actually is
something very minor.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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