Re: [AD] clipping line algorithm

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 > > What did strike me as 'missing' from the vtable were gouraud_hline and
> > [a|p]tex_hline
> The GTE chip can accelerate these too? Then we could extend the vtable if
> this really makes a huge difference.
The PSX can only do gouraud and atex, no ptex.  It just seems sensible to
add ptex at the same time.   A single function which take the POLYTYPE_*
parameter would make the vtable neater, but would cost a fair bit of speed
when called repeatedly by [polygon|triangle|quad]3d()

The GBA can do atex under special circumstances (hardware sprite
scale/rotate) but gourauds and atex are commonly written as tight functions
in fast ram.

Here's what I'd do. have another vtable for advanced hline funcs (which can
be swapped between ones which respect the drawing mode and ones which don't)
and another vtable for the full polygon funcs which can be accelerated

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