RE: [AD] Two monitors... anyway hehe

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Here's an idea for using Allegro with two or more monitors. I think some
GFX-cards / OS's let you stretch the desktop accross multiple monitors.

If it is possible to create a large virtual desktop where each of the two
monitors is a window into a different area of the desktop, then the program
should run in Windowed mode and open a large window that stretches accross
the length and height of the desktop. One half of the window will be on the
first monitor, and the other half of the window will be on the second
monitor. Of course, the app would need to know the resolution of each of the
physical screens so it can correctly scale the graphics in each part of the
large window. In order to prevent ther window from being moved around, once
it's positioned, the windows-procedure for the window would have to
over-ride the standard windows procedure for windows movement, so that the
Allegro window cannot be moved.


>Hi Eric,
>I realized Allegro does not handle two monitors
>(videos) -and you confirmed it-, but for my
>application I only need to "activate" the screen
>(fullscreen) in which allegro will blit the active
>screen... is there an easy way?
>I guess Allegro always write to "MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY"
>only in fullscreen mode? Must I have to cheat Allegro
>putting this flag to the Monitor I want to write?
>Or may be I can handle all this via HDC?
>Thank you very much in advance,
>Hugo Caro
>Gaming software developer

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