Re: [AD] Two monitors... anyway hehe

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> I realized Allegro does not handle two monitors
> (videos) -and you confirmed it-, but for my
> application I only need to "activate" the screen
> (fullscreen) in which allegro will blit the active
> screen... is there an easy way?

Basically, you want to specify which monitor Allegro must select, right?

Currently, Allegro uses the default (NULL) DirectDraw device, so I guess the 
OS decides which monitor Allegro will be assigned. According to the DirectX 
docs, specifying the monitor is not very difficult (you need to enumerate 
the displays and pass the right GUID instead of NULL) so I think it should 
be feasible to have a configuration option.

There appears to be a subtlety though ("focus window" vs "device window") 
that doesn't exist for single-monitor systems, so I'll try to set up a 
two-monitor system before coding anything.

> I guess Allegro always write to "MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY"
> only in fullscreen mode? Must I have to cheat Allegro
> putting this flag to the Monitor I want to write?

Yes, I guess that currently the only solution is to fool Allegro into 
thinking that the monitor you want it to use is the default monitor. I don't 
know whether this is really doable though (you might want to ask the 
question in a Windows-related newsgroup or something like that).

Eric Botcazou

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