Re: [AD] crash, tools/dat.exe v411, msvc7

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aj wrote:

> why is it optimized anyway ?    wouldn't a debug build be sufficient, then 
> when a crash occurs and Windows offers to debug/send M$ a report :(  i can 
> hit debug and find the problem.   as a tool i thought it would be more 
> important to have it working reliably, instead of fast.

For the grabber it would probably hurt, and for the dat tool as
well. I'll readily admit that it doesn't happen often, but when you
use dat to generate datafiles with lots of images like we did for our
Electron project, it takes quite some time.

Hein Zelle

 Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who 
 it's friends are.

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxx

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