[AD] new ports for PSX, GBA and GP32

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Hi All, I've finally subscribed to the new list.

I've started porting to PSX, GBA and GP32 by hacking at 4.0.0

I've got to the stage where I need CVS, so other ppl can help, and because I
need to adjust some more of the shared files because the std libs with the
compilers are full of holes.

I have near zero experience with CVS, so I'm not asking for write access to
either of the main branches, but it would be great if someone could set up a
branch so a few of us can hack at these new ports and add a few more, like
xbox, native ps2 and gc.

A branch off the latest 4.1.x will do nicely, as I can easily adjust to the
inclusion of the MacOSX port. So far, the only shared files reworked are
fix.bat and alconfig.h


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