Re: [AD] ALSA 0.9 Patch

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Ok, problem fixed.

I've also been trying to get this driver t play nicely with "dmix", 
which is alsa's software mixer (like DSound I guess).

Unfortunetly I can't figure it out. Though, It works fine if you 
configure alsa to make all of its OSS devices use dmix. then all apps 
including XMMS, Allegro, whatever will be able to play 
simultaneously. (I had two allegro progs and XMMS playing at once 
with ALSA's OSS emulation+dmix)

I hope to get the ALSA driver working with dmix soon, but I don't see 
that hapening :( even the "aplay" program (alsa's demo player) has 
the same problem. It just locks up on open, even though NONBLOCK is 

So, I'll have another patch ready soon with the working code ;)

Thomas Fjellstrom

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