Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2 todos

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Angelo Mottola wrote:

> >> - integrate OpenGL drivers where natively supported (and via Mesa
> >> otherwise), from AllegroGL (heresy?)
> > 
> > IMHO that's too late, we should have decided it right after releasing 4.0.0
> > if we really wanted to add it for the 4.2 series. But Bob can
> > certainly give more useful infos on that.
> Why are we too late? AllegroGL has been out for a while so it's already
> somewhat stable enough (or am I wrong?). Integrating it within Allegro
> shouldn't cause much problems as I see it... And we're still 6 months ahead
> of the 4.2 release (if we want to give it for the end of the year) so
> there'e plenty of time to fix any possible thing.

I see one disadvantage, but it's a bit of a strange reason not to
include AllegroGL support now. I recall Shawn saying something about
Allegro5 along the line of 'Be careful that people don't loose
interest in the project, if it takes too long it will bleed to death'.
I think keeping allegroGL support in Allegro5 would be a big push for
it to actually come alive and get finished within reasonable time.

I know, there's also an advantage to putting it in 4.2, but as long as
AllegroGL is available and works well with 4.1, it's not such a huge

About the time schedule, might it be a plan to start working on
Allegro5 en masse after 4.2 comes out? After the forementioned points
are solved, I don't see any immediate reasons for a 4.4 development
tree that shouldn't be put in 5.0 instead.

Hein Zelle

 Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who 
 it's friends are.

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxx

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