Re: [AD] grabber patch to replace an object

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> > My version of the grabber simply doesn't compile without it.
> Odd. Windows ?

No, current CVS mainline code. And it's the same for the 4.1.9 release.

> Here is a patch to apply over the previous one, so should be free of
> my custom changes.


> I've changed the "new" option as well for empty types. I've not changed
> the:
> 	return replacer((int)(unsigned long)(active_menu->dp));
> though, because I didn't have your email handy at home when I did
> the patch. I'll let you add it :) There are two occurences of it.
> I'm not sure about the "why" of the warning though. Are ints 32
> bit rather than 64 bit ? Would seem odd, since int is supposed to
> be the fastest int available, and moving 32 bits on a 64 bit bus
> would require some masking (that said, it's only a feeling).

Yes, ints are 32-bit for GCC on x86-64 while longs are 64-bit (LP64 model).
I suppose this was a conservative decision made to avoid a x2 increase in 
memory footprint for every application on Earth.

Eric Botcazou

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