Re: [AD] New OSX makefile targets |
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> install-framework: creates an OSX framework holding the (dynamic)
> library.
> This is created in /Library/Frameworks (default location for
> third-party
> frameworks) and is ready to be used by any application system-wide.
These are great, thanks Angelo!
A note on the template: the file generated is main.m instead of main.c
or main.cpp -- was this intentional? Also, it sets up 320x200 as a
default mode, which is doomed to fail under OSX (I've yet to find any
modes below 640x480 that don't generate an error on modern macs).
Also, someone should change GFX_SAFE in src/macosx/quartz.m.
Hmm... I just realized that GFX_AUTODETECT uses windowed mode by
default, so 320x200 is fine. Well, the thought's still there for
anyone who's interested. :) Does the PB build of main.m take an
inordinate amount of time for anyone else?
Oh, and I haven't forgotten the icon program. I'm looking at a
seperate program from -- it'll be a program which takes an
image from the command line and generates an icon family .icns
resource. However, I'm waiting on a response to an e-mail regarding
it, as somebody else has already come up with a perfectly good solution
to this issue and I don't want to reinvent the wheel. ^_^;; I'll also
add a bit to (error checks, checking for overwriting of
files, etc) as soon as I have time, scout's honor.
- Charles