Re: [AD] MacOS X Allegro

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>> BTW, the code is built on top of a 3-months old CVS snapshot; I hope
>> syncing it with cvs update -Pd will not break it...
> I don't think so.

Right. Just done it and had no problems recompiling :)

>> Now I was going to commit the whole port, but I want to be sure I am
>> allowed to do so. Is it ok to commit it to the default branch?
> Could you post the diffs against the platform-independent code? I'd like to
> take a quick look.

Attached is a quick diff I made of the changes to the core lib.
As I was there, I've also included a report of the compiler warning I have
(using gcc 3.1 shipped with latest Apple developer tools)

About the mouse buttons issue: it is not immediate but I can detect the
number of mouse buttons of the attached mouse. Then I could allow the
combination APPLE+button to emulate the right click, and COMMAND+button for
the middle click. This is also how SDL deals with it, even though SDL
doesn't really detect the number of buttons, as it relies on an env

> We could add a note about this in the install_mouse() docs, or in the
> cross-platform compatibility sections, or both ...

Of course, once the final behaviour is actually implemented... The docs will
need to be updated to deal with the whole OSX port.

> Or add in some emulation feature, in the spirit of "emulate_three"
> (disabled by default).  Some modifier key + the mouse button pressed
> simultaneously would trigger the emulation.  Mac people ought to be used
> to that..

Humm, I'd prefer not to add another config variable if possible. Better to
detect if >1 buttons are available, otherwise activate emulation

> Lillo, sounds like some nice work!


Angelo Mottola

Attachment: core_changes.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: warnings.txt
Description: Binary data

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