Re: [AD] Relative paths in the grabber

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> > No. Being able to create a datafile on Windows and then use 'dat -u' on it
> > on Linux. This would require relative paths too (as the subject suggests).
> And what of the other way around?
> Anyway, I don't think that supporting this feature requires the format of the 
> stored path to be changed.

I think Ben hit the nail on the head. A relative path created by the Windows
version that uses \ as a path seperator needs to be understood by the grabber
on a Linux machine. As I said, my experience is that / works for both, so I
used that instead.
Another solution would be to detect wether a path is stored in Windows or
Linux format and convert it to the proper format for the current platform.
I think it is fairly safe to assume \ isn't a normal character in a filename,
so converting all \ to / on a *nix system and all / to \ on *dos should give
the desired result.
I'll see about making the discussed changes and submitting a revised patch
later this week.


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