Re: [AD] Colourspaces (was: RE: [AD] Faster hsv_to_rgb())

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HSL and HSV code could easily be included in an add-on library... there is NO reason i can see that allegro should include these other colourspaces. its not like all the drawing functions are going to be re-written to allow alternative colour spaces.

At 02:28 PM 22/05/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> About as much as HSV.

For example, I now of HSV but not of HSL. But I'm probably not representative
enough :-)

> Allegro is more than just a game library. It's graphics functions mean it
> can be used as a general purpouse graphics lib. Colourspaces (HSV, HSL,
> RGB, etc.) are an alternative means of representing colours. This is
> particularly useful for some image-processing applications. Colourspaces
> can be used creatively to make some cool special-effects and have great
> potential in demos.
> I've currently written the functions but they still need to be optimised.
> I could also submit their documentation along with some documentation
> explaining the concept of colour-spaces

Ok, post them (floating-point version only for the time being) on the list so
that we can take a look.

Eric Botcazou

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