Re: [AD] MacOS X Allegro

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> >> `id' is the generic type for objects in Objective-C.  I don't know
> why
> >> it should affect C code, but maybe it does.
> > 
> > What is a bit surprising is that it does affect C code in "smart"
> processing
> > mode but not in normal mode.

This is a Carbon thing.  Carbon uses 'id' and 'ID' in a number of
places.  I know it came up in the Blender OSX port, when they modified
some of the motion code.  If I'm also correct in recalling, it has to
do with Carbon's insistence on including the Quicktime headers.  So for
files that do not directly use Quicktime to do anything, a simple

#ifdef __APPLE__
#ifdef id
#undef id

would fix the problem and not lead to more difficult issues.  Or you
can rename the variables in the code, which is less hack-ish. ^_^;;

- Charles

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