[AD] asmcapa.h failed to build

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i had trouble compiling allegro 403rc3 using djgpp on win2k.

AMD 500 Mhz.
win2k sp 3
djgpp.. djdev204, gcc322, mak3791
allegro 4.0.3.rc3

it looks like 'make' crashes when trying to build the asmcapa.h  file
i read some old mail from the archives, Eric suggested  'make depend'
i tried it and it did its thing, but did not create the asmcapa.h file

i then read some other mail from archives, and found if i run  'make mmxtest'
it builded it for me.

Q.  why does it not automatically build this file ?
Q.  why do i need to run  'make mmxtest' seperately ?
Q.  why is this not documented in FAQ ?

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