Re: [AD] Re: Datafile security

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On 2003-03-13, Eric <ebotcazou@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > I think that it should be stated clearly that password for
> > > Allegro datafiles is a crap hackable in few seconds.
> Shhhhh.... don't say it that loudly ;-)
> > I was under the impression that we already said that, but maybe we
> > haven't?
> Wouldn't you call that masochism? ;-)

Not really --- it ain't my code.  I would derive more pleasure from
ripping packfile_password() right out, but I'll settle for desecrating
its documentation (a second stab at it).

> > We certainly should.
> ... try to fix the problem.

What does "fix the problem" mean for you?

An oblique reply, Eric :-)


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