Re: [AD] mode select dlg patch

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> Are you interested by a patch which allows a user routine to allow
> or not specific driver/depth/resolution to be displayed in that ?
> I've added it this weekend so to disallow anything less than 640x480
> and 8 bit modes in my game, but I've forgotten the patch home.

The feature is fine and I'm willing to include for the next 4.1.x WIP but:
- I don't like the name 'gfx_mode_select_sieve' at all,
- your patch is out of sync (it already was by the time you wrote it): for 
example, the BPP_* symbols don't exist anymore in the CVS tree.

> While there, it fixes a bug in the color depth filler.

Could you post a specific patch containing only the bugfix or explaining what 
is the bug?

Eric Botcazou

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