Re: [AD] Patches for allegro 4.1.9

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* Philipp Thomas (pthomas@xxxxxxxxxx) [20030205 11:53]:

> > Why incorrect? The C99 grammar read:
> I should have been more precise. It's not incorrect but the compiler can't
> distinguish between K&R prototypes and an empty parameter list.

Just for completeness I'd like to add that because of this the compiler will
also be unable to detect if a function that formerly took a parameter is
changed to accept no parameters, as I just encountered in xcdroast, where
after adding correct prototypes the compiler suddenly stopped with errors.

So all the more reason to *allways* use (void) in function prototypes :)


Philipp Thomas <pthomas@xxxxxxxxxx>
SuSE Linux AG, Deutschherrnstr. 15-19, D-90429 Nuremberg, Germany

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