Re: [AD] docs/build/mingw32.txt

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Hein Zelle wrote:

> Expect the patch for mingw32.txt on monday. I'll try to write it
> tonight or tomorrow.

Here's the proposed patch to mingw32.txt against the most recent CVS
version, to make the cross compilation instructions up-to-date. I
would appreciate it if Eric and Elias read it at least, I may have
forgotten things.


 Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who 
 it's friends are.

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxx
Index: docs/build/mingw32.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/docs/build/mingw32.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -r1.13 mingw32.txt
<    1) Install the MingW32 cross-compiler, and edit the file '',
<       replacing XC_PATH, XPREFIX and INSTALL_BASE with the right names.
<       For example, if your compiler's base dir (the one with bin, lib and
<       include sub-folders) is /usr/i586-mingw32msvc, and you have
<       prefix-less binaries in /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin, you would use:
>    1) Download and install the MingW32 cross-compiler. You can get the
>       software 
>       - directly from the MingW site:
>       - using a more convenient script with instructions for
>         downloading:
>         Follow the instructions, and make sure to edit the
> script so it downloads the most recent version
>         of gcc and binutils.
>       - as a premade Debian package called 'mingw32',
>         which you can install with 'apt-get install mingw32'.
>    2) Get the minimal DirectX 7 SDK for MingW32. (
>       Download it from '' and
>       unzip it to the cross-compiler base directory. Make sure you
>       convert all text files to unix style (unzip -a) or the
>       pre-processor will croak. The DirectX package downloaded and
>       installed by the SDL script is not up to date: replace it with
>       the package from the Allegro site.
>    3) Edit the file '' in the root of your Allegro directory,
>       replacing XC_PATH, XPREFIX and INSTALL_BASE with the right
>       names.  For example, if your compiler's base dir (the one with
>       bin, lib and include sub-folders) is /usr/i586-mingw32msvc, and
>       you have prefix-less binaries in /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin, you
>       would use:
<    2) Get the minimal DirectX 7 SDK for MingW32. ( Download it
<       from '' and unzip it to the
<       cross-compiler base dir. Make sure you convert all text files to unix
<       style (unzip -a) or the pre-processor will croak.
<    3) Then run './ mingw32 --dtou' (--dtou is only needed if your
<       allegro directory has text files in DOS format, otherwise you can
<       use --quick). You are now finished with all the preparations.
>       Note that the script from SDL installs binaries
>       both with and without prefix, but some binaries (windres,
>       specifically) are installed only with prefix. If you installed
>       the crosscompiler in /opt/cross-tools using this script, you
>       would use:
>       XC_PATH=/opt/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc/bin:/opt/cross-tools/bin
>       XPREFIX=i386-mingw32msvc-
>       INSTALL_BASE=/opt/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc
>    4) Run './ mingw32 --dtou' (--dtou is only needed if your
>       Allegro directory has text files in DOS format, otherwise you
>       can use --quick).  If you are using a CVS version of Allegro,
>       run 'make depend' to generate missing header files, then run
>       misc/ to generate the allegro.def file. You are now
>       finished with all the preparations.
<    4) You can now run './' to build the Allegro library and then run
<       './ install' as root to install Allegro. You can use
<       '' as you would use 'make' to compile any Allegro stuff.
<       To build the documentation, use the native build process.
>    5) You can now run './' to build the Allegro library and
>       then run './ install' as root to install
>       Allegro. Afterwards, you can use '' as you would use
>       'make' to compile your own Allegro programs, or you can use the
>       '' and '' scripts from the SDL
>       site. You must use ./ to compile Allegro itself, though!
>    6) To build the documentation, use the native build process.

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