Re: [AD] Allegro 4.1.6/Allegro 4.0.3

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> I don't like the forward compatibility #define at all. But I guess we could 
> revive the old API in the 4.1.6 WIP:
> #define set_window_close_button()
> #define set_window_close_hook set_close_button_callback
> so that the following lines would still work as expected:
>    set_window_close_button(TRUE);
>    set_window_close_hook(my_callback);

Ok, I think this would be good (although Allegro has quite enough backward
compatibility #defines already).
So the closebutton will remain broken in the 4.0 branch? I personally see no
real objection to making set_window_close_button() an empty function and
c&p'ing the contents of set_close_button_callback() to set_window_close_hook().

Regardless, I'll be updating my code with some #ifdef's to work with either
Allegro version.

Evert Glebbeek, Physics student
Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam
Institute for Theoretical Physics, room W3.132
e-mail: eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx   tel. 525 7314 

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