Re: [AD] Mailing list archives (was: config files and dynamic libs)

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On 2002-11-02, Grzegorz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Putting the archive on the web is not difficult, search for
> hypermail on freshmeat and see how much space does the generated
> html take. Then you can put it on sourceforge, if it's below 60Mb,
> because the current web already consumes 40 of the 100Mb quota.
> There's aparently cgi-bin support, so maybe a search option could
> be provided too.

Hypermail-generated archives for 1999-2001 requires 56Mb with
attachments, 46Mb without, according to du.

> As for external servers, I have access to one. It usually has 1Gb
> free space, but now I'm mirroring the talks given at a spanish
> hackmeeting. The admin hasn't yelled at me (yet), so I can offer
> less than 200Mb at the moment, searchable with swish-e.
> However, the biggest problem is that this kind of email archives
> requires manual maintenance, they would soon be obsolete.

That could probably be fixed by subscribing an archiver account, then
have a cron job to update the generated archives.

What's next then?


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