Re: [AD] devhelp docs

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On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 20:50, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> You got me impressed until I found out those XML files are only
> indices. Boohoo...

Heh, yes, it's not the most advanced format - but Anjuta can use it. I'm
already desperately waiting for Anjuta 2, i guess it will also use it.
> > Now I just have to figure out how I can also enable the parameter names
> > to be displayed for Allegro functions, like it does for libc functions :)
> You will also have to find why devhelp doesn't locate items which use
> case.  Maybe it's my version (0.3) but I can't be redirected to BITMAP
> or AUDIOSTREAM, only to fixed or al_ffblk. The xml and html files are ok,
> so I guess it's problem of the viewer.
> Anyway, now the patch is yours. Please test it and verify under
> dos/windows. commit if you are satisfied, I only reorganized a bit
> the code.

Ok, thanks, I will look at it. The SDL book seems to be using mixed case
all the time, so it should work - else I'll send them a bug report.

> > > [...] what's the meaning of that [...]
> Changed it to something more reasonable, since we could add that book
> in the future to the download page. And now maybe the people of devhelp
> will host the allegro book?

Good idea, I'll try to find out to who to submit it.

Elias Pschernig

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