Re: [AD] DirectX sound driver detection bug?

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> Below is the start of some sound initialisation code that crashes one of
> my games when run on Windows 2000 with a SoundMax Digital Audio Vers 5.00
> sound card. The code was compiled with Mingw 1.1 and statically linked
> against Allegro 4.0.1 and 4.1.1 using march=i586.

I can't reproduce on my system with:

#include <allegro.h>
#include <string>

int main(void)

   string setting = "flip_pan = 1";
   override_config_data(setting.c_str(), setting.length());
   reserve_voices(6, -1);


   if (install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_AUTODETECT, 0))
      allegro_message("Failed to install sound. Allegro error: %s",


   return 0;

> The instruction at "0x0044c67c" referenced memory at "0x00000000".
> The memory could not be "read".

Could you try to find where Allegro crashes with a debug version run from

> Using the allegro_message() calls above, the error seems to be in the call
> to install_sound(), as the second and third messages are not displayed.
> When disabling the sound card in Windows, the error changes. Now it prints
> "Failed...", then crashes.

What happens if you comment you the lines between allegro_init() and the
first allegro_message() ?

Eric Botcazou

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