Re: [AD] 4.0.2 releasei/CVS

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> I know what you're referring to, and it's not only a remote problem.
> Technically, it's a "regression" from 4.0.1, but the only reason it
> didn't appear with previous versions is that it would deadlock instead.

Did Allegro always deadlock in that situation previously ? If so, from my
point of view, it is not a regression. Can I make the final release then ?

> What's going on: When you press the close button, an auxiliary thread
> starts the shutdown process (with `exit').  Meanwhile, the main thread
> is still running concurrently, and not expecting the rug to be pulled
> out from under its feet.  e.g. it might try writing to `screen', right
> after it is freed, causing a segfault.

That's the big weakness of the default handling of the close button. And the
Windows port has the very same problem.

> Note this won't happen if you hook the close request and shutdown
> gracefully from the main thread.  All "real life" programs should be
> doing this anyway... but probably don't. (*ahem*)

I completly agree.

> P.S. I don't think the default handling of close requests by forceful
> killing is right.  But that's fodder for post-4.0.2.

I think 6 months of painful experience clearly shows you're right.

Eric Botcazou

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