Re: [AD] Keeping non modified properties when grabbing

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On May 22, 2002 10:51 pm, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2002-05-21, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > I might have partially turned my mind about this feature in
> > > > light of the
> > > > recent thread dubbed "Grabber Patch" on [AD]. Wouldn't it be nice to
> > > > turn it on by default when *updating* a datafile ?
> > >
> > > That could be confusing to have two different default behaviors
> > > for dat and grabber, for essentially the same action. But anyway,
> > > it should be an option, probably off by default just for the sake
> > > of backwardc ompatibility.
> >
> > Couldn't the dat utility be changed at the same time?
> > I'd really like an option such as this to be on by default.
> I concur, because..
> > What would get
> > broken if a property that was stripped before isn't stripped now?
> .. that's how I see it, too.
> > Perhaps add a new grabber command line switch, -bc, that starts the
> > grabber in compatibility mode and disables all the nice new things we
> > otherwise couldn't normally make default because of backward
> > compatibility?
> Backwards compatibility of utilities isn't all that important.  As
> long as the options are there, I feel it's good enough.  (Hey, at
> least we don't maintain GNU tar and keep changing the bzip2 option ;-)

Whats funny is its diferent between RedHat and Debian, Or at least it was 
untill tar maintainer actually added the switch. :) I seem to remember a '-j' 
an '-I' and another I can't remember.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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