Re: [AD] Grabber Patch

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> I don't think you should disable any colourdepths when compiling the
> grabber. Frankly, I don't even think it will work properly since the 
> grabber cycles through 32, 16, 15 and 8 bit modes (not 24 bit though. Why?)
> Still, having it say it supports 16 bit when it really doesn't might be 
> silly.

I compiled Allegro with only 8 bpp support, and while modifying grabby
it just ran without problems, until I tried to grab tiles from a 16 bpp
bitmap (crashed, of course). The "OBJECT/Color Depth" menu still showed
the other modes. I think don't showing them (or graying them out) would
be interesting.

> > Adding maximun amount of numbers as a new parameter to modify?
> Could be useful, but maybe more work than it's worth IMHO.

static char format[12];
static int maximun_amount = 3;
sprintf(format, "%%0%dd", maximun_amount);

That should be enough ;-)

> > 7. Export datafile plugin (multiple selection as a new one)?
> Ehm... sorry, I don't really understand this one. Could you be more
> specific?

Right now, if you select several items and try to export them, grabby
will pat your head. I suggest supposing the user wants to create a
new datafile, and export them as a new datafile.

> > >  5. Multiple "Set/Edit/Delete Property", (only if the property
> > >     is not NAME, like setting the MANA to all wizards in the
> > >     datafile).
> >
> > Could be useful, I guess.
> It would be REALLY useful to me, at least :)

It should be inside datedit.c, so DAT utility can use it as well. I
am just wondering about the command line support.

Roberto Alfonso (rpgrca@xxxxxxxxxx <> rpgrca@xxxxxxxxxx)
Rhynox, the Noble Rockfriend, Wild Battlerager of the Neidar Clan and
Proficient Blacksmith, rising hero, male dwarf (Genesis is the key)
ICQ: 44361979

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