Re: [AD] [WIN] Support for native windows

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On 2002-04-09, Eric Botcazou <ebotcazou@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> About create_bitmap_... ? I don't think so. You only talked about
> al_set_color_layout().

Ok, I only hinted at it (in "Why multiple windows might suck").  It
would be a function that creates a BITMAP, but does not allocate space
for the actual image data.  Rather it receives a pointer from the user
and initalises line[].

   BITMAP *create_shared_bitmap(int depth, int width, int height,
                                int stride, void *data);

`stride' is there in case there are wierd padding requirements.  Depth
can obviously only be what Allegro supports.  Maybe more parameters
will be required.

> > As an example?  Definitely not part of the [platform-specific] API,
> > given the dependencies... ;-)
> As a binding ;-) i.e sort of an add-on but bundled with Allegro because it
> will have to be rooted in the platform-specific code. Something like:
> al_attach_allegro_to_gtk(GtkWindow *window). 

Ok, we'll see.

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