Re: [AD] Proposal for first step towards new api

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In reply to Sven Sandberg <svsa1977@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>What should we do about the order of arguments to draw_sprite() & co? It
>would be good to always have source before dest IMHO.

Do you mean that, or do you mean destination then source? There are
arguments both ways, of course.

> But I also think
>that we should rename (not only prefix) each function that changes
>behaviour, because otherwise people will do an automatic search and
>replace and not understand why it doesn't work any more.

Shawn said we should change the parameters (changing either their type,
order or number will produce a compiler error) in situations like this,
and I think we can make that happen.

>Another idea I just got is to make a distinction between `al_font_8x8'
>(which is the 8x8 font that comes with Allegro and is semantically
>read-only) and `al_gui_font' (which defaults to `al_font_8x8' and can be
>changed if you want the gui to use another font). This can be
>particularly useful for add-ons that need the 8x8 font, plus it seems
>more logical.

Currently, `font' is the global font pointer and defaults to
`_default_font', which is the 8x8 font. But I agree that renaming (and
documenting) would be a good thing.

Bye for now,
Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx

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