Re: [AD] Irix & allegro-3.9.40

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On 20 Nov 2001, Stepan Roh <stepan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Hein Zelle wrote:
> > ---1---
> > I solved it by adding '#undef ffloor' to the list of Irix macro's that
> > are undefined. Very strange: apparently the Irix compiler mangles
> > ffloor and floorf. If I #undef'ed floorf, the problem remained.
> Well, that's defined by some ugly magic (I saw it) in Irix system headers.
> Some kind of backward compatibility issue. Not very nice, I think.

In my fixed point functions renaming patch, "ffloor" is changed to
"fixfloor".  A static inline function called "ffloor" is added for
backwards compatibility.  If necessary, we could #ifdef out the
backwards compatibility functions if IRIX is detected (but of course,
we lose... backwards compatibility).  Or we could use the hack Stepan
wrote, but I hoped we could get rid of that.

> > attached:
> > ---4---
> I think there must be some way how to do it (we can look into the
> libtool), but unless we find a way, it could be disabled by default for
> Irix. But I think that small notice in readme.uni (or how this file is
> named now after those big restructualizings - hey! it's not Alllegro any
> more :-) ) will be sufficient for now.

I agree.

> I'm planning to do series of tests with Allegro on
> Linux/Solaris/Irix/Irix64 this or next week. Let's see what broke since my
> last tests.

Please test the patch I mentioned.

It's at
It might not apply cleanly because allegro._tx has been moved.

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