Re: [AD] djgpp compilation problems

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You may want to check which version & release of Bash you are using. I would
use Bash 2.05. The exe should be dated 5-Nov-2001, I uploaded the files onto
the unofficial DJGPP WIN 2K / XP site on 7-Nov-2001.

This may or may not help, but it may eliminate one program out of the

Another item to check is which "echo.exe" you have in the bin directory.
Could you let me know the size in bytes, date and the output or lack of when
trying to get help with the --help or /? options. There is the posibility
that I have put the wrong echo in the binary files that you downloaded. I
have included some allegro header files in some of the files when I
shouldn't have.

DJGPP 2.04 has NOT been released, the version available from is an alpha version. Could you let
me know via a direct email how it works on ME so I can update the URL to let
people know how it works. One BIG thing to watch is do not mix 2.03 exe's
and 2.04 exe's as the symlink support is incompatible and will cause you
some headaches.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bogdan" <robotzel@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <conductors@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 11:52 PM
Subject: [AD] djgpp compilation problems

> Hello,
>  I'm using DJGPP 2.04 on Win ME,and when I start the compilation from
>  the msdos prompt it miserably fails at make cleantest. The problem
>  lies at this line:
> echo /* Generated by makefile.tst */ > $(ASMCAPA_DIR_D)\asmcapa.h
>  specifically the /* and */ which get expanded...A fix for this would
>  be to change the cleantest target in makefile.lst to this:
> cleantest:
> ifdef UNIX_TOOLS
>         echo "/* Generated by makefile.tst */" >
> else
>         echo "/* Generated by makefile.tst */" >
> endif
>  Also,the CHANGES target in and makefile.all is wrong,it
>  should be
> CHANGES: docs/txt/changes.txt
>         $(MAKEDOC) -part -ascii CHANGES $<
> ifdef UNIX_TOOLS
>         cp CHANGES docs/txt/changes.txt
> else
>         copy CHANGES docs\txt\changes.txt
> endif
>   in makefile.all,and
> THANKS: docs/src/thanks._tx
>         $(MAKEDOC) -part -ascii THANKS $<
>         cp THANKS docs/txt/thanks.txt
> CHANGES: docs/txt/changes.txt
>         $(MAKEDOC) -part -ascii CHANGES $<
>         cp CHANGES docs/txt/changes.txt
>   in .
> --
> Best regards,
>  Bogdan                          mailto:robotzel@xxxxxxxxxx
> "I dreamt of blood upon the shore,of eyes that spoke of sin.
>  The lake was smooth and deep and black,as was her scented skin..."

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