Re: [AD] djgpp compilation problems

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Bogdan <robotzel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>  I'm using DJGPP 2.04 on Win ME,and when I start the compilation from
>  the msdos prompt it miserably fails at make cleantest. The problem
>  lies at this line:
> echo /* Generated by makefile.tst */ > $(ASMCAPA_DIR_D)\asmcapa.h
>  specifically the /* and */ which get expanded...A fix for this would
>  be to change the cleantest target in makefile.lst to this:
> cleantest:
> ifdef UNIX_TOOLS
>         echo "/* Generated by makefile.tst */" >
> else
>         echo "/* Generated by makefile.tst */" >
> endif

i'm afraid quoting the text won't work on older versions of DOS. so this
will be a lot more tricky to fix. one could use the BASH shell or add a
workaround for win me dos prompt. ifdef UGLY_WIN_ME_FIXES (....) endif

but even better... what happens if you replace the whole line:
echo /* Generated by makefile.tst */ > $(ASMCAPA_DIR_D)\asmcapa.h
    -rm -f $(ASMCAPA_DIR_U)/asmcapa.h
    -del $(ASMCAPA_DIR_D)\asmcapa.h

i hope DOS is smart enough to threat >> as create the file if it doesn't
exist or else append to what's there already.

>  Also,the CHANGES target in and makefile.all is wrong,it
>  should be
> CHANGES: docs/txt/changes.txt
>         $(MAKEDOC) -part -ascii CHANGES $<
> ifdef UNIX_TOOLS
>         cp CHANGES docs/txt/changes.txt
> else
>         copy CHANGES docs\txt\changes.txt
> endif

this should already be fixed. thanks for bugreport.

Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
E-mail: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx  Homepage:

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