Re: [AD] Namespace again (was Problems with gcc 3.1)

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> Agreed. And I know that many people will not agree, but I'd REALLY like 
> Angelo

u have a good point of view.
but i think that no matter what we absolutely *MUST NOT* take a so
important decision in a hurry.
Lots of people are in disaccord, there are plenty of good points of
view, and if we decide to change everything and prefix all the
functions we could never go back again.

I think that better than taking this decision *now!* "absolutely
before 3.9.40" is thinking, wait, and think again.

If lots of people disagree, it should a unhappy idea to change

If we haven't enough time to be calm and think we should delay the
.0 release, IMHO.

> PS: an idea to help in the transition could be to ship with the lib a 
> small script/program that gets source files as input and replaces 
> public Allegro function calls using the old unprefixed names with new 
> prefixed ones. This could be used to help coders in their move to the 
> new API...

this is a very good idea.

"Chocobos ignore humans who don't look like they'll give them greens"
                                        Final Fantasy 7

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 - Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono -          / /|       /^___ \
Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone         / / /      / /L_/ /
e-mail: _lano_@xxxxxxxxxx          / / /      /  ___-°/
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