Re: [AD] wip 3.9.38 & graphics mode trouble: progress

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"Vincent Penquerc'h" <Vincent.Penquerch@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> > > FWIW, I've had problems with mouse events for quite a long time:
> > > for a click to be registered, I have to leave the mouse button down
> > > for something like half a second to one second. Otherwise, Allegro
> > > does not detect it.
> > 
> > I have had the same problem for a long time under X too but I 
> > thought it was
> > caused by my mouse...

Maybe Allegro gets mouse event, but then Allegro program can not see
it, because it gets mouse button events as a change in bit state, not
as event.  IIRC, events are processed in batches, so Allegro might set
button bit, then immediately clear it, not giving program any chance
to see the event.  Using mouse callback might help, or library should
stop processing events after receiving mouse press event.

Michael Bukin

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