RE: [AD] wip 3.9.38 & graphics mode trouble: progress

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Title: RE: [AD] wip 3.9.38 & graphics mode trouble: progress

> > FWIW, I've had problems with mouse events for quite a long time:
> > for a click to be registered, I have to leave the mouse button down
> > for something like half a second to one second. Otherwise, Allegro
> > does not detect it.
> I have had the same problem for a long time under X too but I
> thought it was
> caused by my mouse...

Let's wait for the majority of users telling us they did too :)
But do other X programs work well with the mouse ? Only allegro
programs (my game, the grabber...) have this behavior.
I reported it on AD quite some time ago, but nobody answered, so
I thought it had something to do with my X configuration somehow
conflicting with Allegro.
If a similar problem arises with keyboard input, this might help
trace the problem.

Vincent Penquerc'h

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