Re: [AD] maskmovq 3938 (also flicker)

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> > as this instruct is the only one that needs new binutils, and only works
> > with SSE, could someone please make it optional (add alternative), I
> > commented it out of iblit16/32/8.s and the rest of the lib builds with
> > crt 27/3/2000 and as I don't have SSE it works fine.
> If you build the DLL, it may not be fully compatible with other Allegro
> programs. This is a non-issue with the WIPs (since just about all
> executables ship with the DLL), but may become a problem when Allegro 4.0
> released.
> The SSE code is backed up by the regular assembly code anyway, so if you
> don't have SSE, then masked_blit() will use the old code.

This isn't really my point, it is that you _have_ to compile maskmovq, It'd
be much better that if your binutils didn't support SSE you could build
allegro with an alternate non-SSE instruction sequence rather than just
failing (ok, it may be a bit slower on SSE, but this is not important for
some people).

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