Re: [AD] to prefix or not to prefix (part 2) |
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In reply to Sven Sandberg <svsa1977@xxxxxxxxxx>: [snip] >I think we can safely swap the arguments of RLE and compiled sprite >drawing routines, because it will give compiler errors to people who do >it the wrong way around. Talking of compiled sprites, can we get rid of them later? They are only the tiniest bit faster than RLE sprites, and they add lots of extra code and complexity. Also, they are emulated by RLE sprites on non-i386 machines, which presents a slightly inconsistent front. I would propose moving them into an add-on. That way, people won't use them unless they know exactly what they're doing, and why they're doing it. Bye for now, -- Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx
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