Re: [AD] to prefix or not to prefix (part 2)

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>  (II) Replace the routines entirely by routines that also take 
>       the extra source_x,source_y,width,height arguments, as 
>       in blit() and masked_blit(). This will probably not give 
>       the same problems as (I), because the compiler will give
>       an error if you use the routines the old way. It might
>       require somewhat bigger changes in Allegro, but the
>       low-level routines apparently support this already because
>       they support sub-bitmaps and clipping.

i agree that it must be changed the (d,s in (s,d
but adding useless parameters to functions that don't need'em is not
good. or maybe we could do that, but we should also add some macros
without the useless parameters.


void al_draw_sprite(BITMAP *source, BITMAP *dest, int source_x,
int source_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height);
(similar to current blit)

chose u the name
void al_draw_sprite_2(BITMAP *source,
BITMAP *dest, int dest_x, int dest_y);
(similar to current draw_sprite ; implemented as a macro)

i think this should be fine, since it doesn't force u to use
parameters u don't need

"Windows is definitely not compatible with me."
                                        Hein Zelle

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 - Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono -          / /|       /^___ \
Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone         / / /      / /L_/ /
e-mail: _lano_@xxxxxxxxxx          / / /      /  ___-°/ #lano            / /_/__    /  /|__-°       /______/|  /__/ /
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