RE: [AD] Header splitting proposal

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Title: RE: [AD] Header splitting proposal

> Non-prefixed headers could cause some confusion with system headers of the
> same name, eg. maths.h, file.h, and so on. I'd be inclined to prefix them
> with something more aggressive ("al"?) so you aren't just relying on include
> paths and search orders to find the right ones.

I originally named maths.h math.h :)
I would have done that without further thought if we didn't have to be
DOS compatible (eg 8 characters). Prefixing with, eg,  "al" only leaves
6 characters to name a file. Given that they are only accessable by
prepending "allegro/" to them, I thought this should be more than
enough to make them unlikely to conflict with other headers. That's
why I like directories :) But If you still think prefixing is better,
I'll do it.

Vincent Penquerc'h

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