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Subject: Re: [AD] Header splitting proposal
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 15:25:43 +0200
From: Henrik Stokseth <hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Vincent Penquerc'h <Vincent.Penquerch@xxxxxxxxxx>
On Monday 22 October 2001 15:07, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
> Best way would probably be to have a tree looking like:
> include/
> -> allegro.h
> include/allegro/
> -> the new user-visible split-up headers, like gui.h, maths.h, etc
> include/allegro/internal
> -> what previously was in include/allegro/, plus the internal split-up
> headers, like igui.h, imaths.h, etc
> Does this sound ok ?
if you also add a include/allegro/platform directory to put all platform
specific includes in, i'm happy. i think non-prefixed include names will be
ok as long as they are kept in subdirectories. (file.h != allegro/file.h)
if subdirectories is what you want then we don't need any prefixes at all,
which is good because we can give the includes more readable names.
Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
"Our hardware runs better without Windows" - BMW advertisement.
E-mail: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx Homepage: http://hstokset.n3.net