Re: [AD] Polish messages and keyboard

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Let's see if i get this straight.

The keyboards works as follows:
    Spanish: AltGr no matter if shift or caps lock are active does always
the same
    French: AltGr works different if Shift is pressed or not, but CapsLock
doesn't affect it
    Polish: Both shift and CapsLock affect AltGr

Am I right until now?

And in which way does Allegro needs to be changed to fullt support all the

Because I am confused as well =)

> > > On Windows 95 French for example, AltGr + Shift is different from
> > only
> > > whereas AltGr + CapsLock is the same as AltGr only.
> > In my spanish keyboard AltGr always work the same, no matter if you have
> > caps lock or you press Shift or Control with it
> In Polish keyboard "upper" altgr is used to obtain capital letters.
> I don't know whether altgr+shift is really important in French/Spanish
> keyboard. Although I'd never seen anybody using escape sequences with
> polish keyboard I've placed it in patch just in case. I did my best to
> preserve compatibility with old version of config files. I can see 3
> solutions:
> 1) Commit the patch, and forget about altgr difference in French keyboard.
> 2) Use 3rd array - altgr_shifted to get French letters.
> 3) Make Polish/French switch in config file which will be responsible for
> the use of altgr_upper array. For instance it will be used with Altgr &&
> (shift ^ caps) in Polish and altgr && shift in French.
> I hope somebode understand this mail. I feel a bit confused myself ;]
> Best regards,
> Grzegorz

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