Re: [AD] Color convertors

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>How come the register permutation gave such a slow down? step2 should have 
>been better than step 1 due to smaller code, or at worst, it should give the 
>same numbers (within a reasonable range).

Frankly, I think the differences are small as it is. I'd like to see
numbers from two or three runs with the same code so we have a typical
range of what is to be expected for each piece of code.

>Same for step2->step3, step 3 should be faster (one less instruction!). The 
>numbers are within the 1% margin of error though. 

That's squareroot of #counts, right? From a first glance, I'd say most of
the different counts are within 1%. Like I said, I'd like to see two or
three independant measurements.


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