Re: [AD] e-mail addresses

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In reply to Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>  gradha at terra dot infierno spot com
>  gradha in terra point infierno dot com
>  gradha with terra dotted infierno mark com

Then I have to type your email address by hand :-)

>Or how about leaving the email addresses normal but prefix them? For
>example: allegro.gradha@xxxxxxxxxx. This could be modified in the
>thanks._tx file forever along with a note to remove the allegro. prefix.

Great. Except that it won't work with me, since I receive all email sent
to the domain, no matter which user.

>Email mangling is easy, but I will do it only if we reach to some
>democratic decision, as I don't believe it will stop spam that much.
>I am personally for the prefix thing rather than for dot dot hack.

I would rather post my real email address and delete the half-dozen
messages I get a day than try to make it unharvestable.

Bye for now,
Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx

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